Manuel Andrade
Manuel Andrade is one of the founders of Epic School of Music, where he is a dynamic, motivated and very passionate music teacher. Manuel started his music career in Colombia, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Music (Music Education) at the Valley University. This degree provided him with an in-depth understanding and knowledge on music education, theory, history, composition, arrangements, and other important concepts for his teaching career.
After he graduated he worked as a music teacher at a private music school for 4 years, where he specialised in guitar, bass, drums, composition and music production. Manuel’s passion for sound production led him to start his own company in 2003, named Sonata Productions. His job at Sonata Productionsincluded composing, recording, editing and mixing music for radio and television, as well as recording bands and local solo artists.
To expand his knowledge in sound technology, Manuel moved to Byron Bay, Australia in 2008 to study a Bachelor in Audio Production at SAE. Later, in 2010, he moved to Sydney to continue his educational journey towards a Master of Teaching (Music) degree at University of Western Sydney. Here, Manuel had the opportunity to study further the NSW curriculum and inclusive teaching strategies, among many other relevant subjects.
Soon after, Manuel then taught for 7 years at a music school in Sydney, as a guitar, bass and drums teacher, along with leading the Band Program. Manuel became director of the music school for 4 years during this time, where he was responsible for the organisation of curriculum, concerts, recordings, ensembles, music videos, along with leading and supervising all music teachers.
“One of my strongest interests is to help students in becoming the best versions of themselves. To guide and inspire them to create and achieve their greater goals!”
Manuel A.
Music Teacher